Welcome to the first broadcast of RadioCare, an on the spot radio session, a virtual fonoplatea, a way of continuing a conversation, a radio room created for sharing reflections, stories, observations, songs, opinions, silences, ruminations, noises, book fragments, poems, or nothing at all.
'We don’t really need to do anything at all. We can just choose not to. Maybe our event for anti-university should be around not doing anything at all, not being productive in the way people are usually pushed to be. It’s something I have been thinking. I am feeling depressed today. The people I am connected with, mental health survivors and activists, are feeling tired and depressed too. Maybe putting an event that asks people to do things is too much. Maybe we can think about this in a different way also as a mode of caring for people. Maybe put on some music, read poems, excerpts of literature and films on that day or just have a virtual meeting with nothing.'